Child Concept Kindergarten

Amman - Jordan - Khelda, Jdita Street Villa #3 - Amman - Jordan

962 6 552 1555

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The Child Concept Kindergarten (CCK) - Amman it’s designated for a unique and professional academic and development services for the children (From 3 years – up to 6 years) in the Middle East with disabilities education act of 2002. CCK is a comprehensive kindergarten program based on research indicating that young children learn best when material is delivered holistically rather than in isolation. Using a thematic approach to learning, CCK addresses all key developmental domains for early learners. Our kindergarten helps children make sense of the world around them, fostering the development of children’s language, literacy, math, and interpersonal and self-help skills and science and social studies concepts. CCK provides a balance between child-initiated activities and teacher-directed instruction, with emphasis given to oral-language and literacy development.

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