Dovecote Nursery Jumeirah

Dubai - UAE - Al Safa, 4C St., Villa 82, Safa 2 - Dubai - UAE

971 (0)4 440 3425

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ارسال الاستفسار

Dovecote Nursery in Dubai is a high quality nursery offering premium education in top quality childcare facilities for toddlers aged between 1 – 3 years. Dovecote is a British managed nursery and follows the EYFS curriculum. Our nurseries accept children from all nationalities.

Dovecote Nursery prepares your child for their early school years by transforming them into confident and independent pupils. We provide an all-inclusive environment with highly qualified staff trained to provide the high standard of care that you would expect to find in any accredited British nursery.

The Dovecote Nursery in Jumeirah is part of Evolvence Knowledge Investments.

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