Al Ameen British Islamic School

Riyadh - KSA - Nr An Nahrwani street, off King Faud Road, Al Olaya - Riyadh - KSA

966 1 4649666

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In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful “Every child has the capacity to excel, we believe education must be fostered within, it stems from connecting and not directing.”

  • We believe that a mixture of Islamic, traditional and modern techniques is the key to a student’s success.

  • We envision our children to be well-equipped academically, socially and spiritually as they prepare themselves to a future wherein they could be useful citizens bearing with them confidence and trustworthiness making them globally competitive leaders of their respective nation.

  • Our mission is to educate children in a friendly environment guided by the teachings of Quran, providing quality modern education in a cordial learning environment.

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