Kiddie College

Madinaty B6, Cairo Governorate - Madinaty - Egypt


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We work for purpose not for profit to provide the best possible start in life for our children .

we go Beyond Child care :
Children are born ready to Learn , and the experience of their early 5 years last a life time , In the early years of life children build vital knowledge and skills that support their approach to learning , relationships and decision making in the future . Thus our goals are simple but powerful, we work towards making a real difference to the quality of early learning in our nursery and consequently to the life of our children and their families.
Choosing our kiddie butterfly didn’t come by Chance , nor was it chosen because it gives kids joy and happiness . Rather , the kiddie butterfly is a symbol of new beginnings ..couple of days ago the fluffing butterfly was a tiny caterpillar … We are all small and appear to be the same (like the caterpillar), but as we grow older our true beauty shows (like the butterfly). Like a butterfly, we are all different, and beautiful in our own way. And like our amazing butterfly we will help our kids discover all their potentials and use all their skills to discover the beauty of the world waiting for Them .

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